One of the benefits of working with a licensed FAA repair shop for the overhauling of your aircraft engine is that they provide thorough documentation of every step of your engine’s overhaul process. It is equally as important that you provide completed, up-to-date logbooks to your overhaul repair shop.
It is acceptable to send copies, the important part is that the logbooks are completed and up-to-date as this helps to identify exactly what needs to be done to the engine. For example, if you have recently replaced a turbo charger or other accessory, you won’t need to overhaul these components again. This is also the time to check your propeller logs, if it’s close to needing work, this is the best time to do it. The logbooks and crankshaft are also checked before disassembly to see if it may be under an AD notice.
Providing as much information about the engine as possible will help ensure that you receive the best service possible saving you time and cost. Please share any experiences you have had with not providing adequate information to your overhaul repair shop or how providing up-to-date logbooks created a positive outcome.